If you can’t find a word from the first letter to the last, try looking from last to first or from one of the middle options. (Sometimes the solution to a problem is found when you look at it at another angle.)
Everything changes including moods. (I must become OK with the crazy fluctuations in my moods vs. expecting consistency. Nothing in this world is constant. Change is a fact of life... regardless of how difficult it is for me to accept.)
All the answers can eventually be found… sometimes you have to look away for a while and then look back again. Everything I need to solve this problem is on this page. (Self-explanatory.)
Sometimes what you think is a word turns out to be something else--a different word entirely. (Question your assumptions.)
When you stop trying so hard to find a word and put the book down or look away, the answer appears when you look at it again. (If something seems hard, put it down for a while, and give your brain a rest. Then look into it again.)
When you’re tired, it’s much more difficult to find what you’re looking for. (It's impossible for me to do anything when I'm tired... including Word-Finds.)
Some letters are easier to find than others. (Some solutions are easier to find than others.)
Do you do Word-Find puzzles? Can you think of something else besides what I've listed here?
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