Monday, February 21, 2011


I have been receiving some fantastic coaching from a student going for her certification. One of the things she told me was that I would not have received my vision without the means for it to happen. I am FEELING what it would be like having all the resources to better my quality of life. I started to remember a few circumstances when FEELING like I already had something was followed by having it even though I did not have $ to purchase it. I once had a Subaru Justy that turned out to be a lemon. While it was in a new shop, the owner let me borrow his Toyota. While I was driving it, I imagined it was already mine. I told the owner how much I really liked it and I ended up owning it with a loan from my employer and I was able to get rid of the Subaru. When Jesse (my only child) was born, I had nothing but a suitcase after walking away from a bad situation. I never lacked for anything. I was so euphoric about my new baby, that anytime I needed something, my sister or my mother found it at a yard sale. When we needed places to live they showed up. The most recent? I was using someone else’s new laptop computer, imagining that it was mine, and suddenly I had one… given to me as a present. Between coaching and Lynn Grabhorn’s book “Excuse Me Your Life is Waiting”, I believe I finally identified why I still have practically nothing…. So it’s time for me to get back into major day-dreaming mode (used to do this a lot when I was a kid) and allow abundance to flow into my life.  It’s time for me to TRUST GOD WILL PROVIDE in ways beyond my wildest imagination. It’s time for me to change my vocabulary from what I don’t have and what I don’t want to speaking as though I already have it. It's time for me to practice what someone told me a couple of years ago “be careful what you speak into existence”.

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